Child Labour Policy 

Reasons behind the policy

1. Ethical responsibility – Lawcris acknowledges its obligations towards its employees, stakeholders the communities in which we work and its customers, because of that acknowledgment it wishes to carry out work and complete its business in an ethical fashion.

2. Adverse publicity and damage to the company’s reputation – the company will endeavour to the best of its ability ensure it meets all UK, statutory employment legislation for young person’s up to and including the age of 18, to include pay, numbers of permissible hrs worked and all other rights they may be entitled to. The company will, where applicable, ensure young person’s risk assessments, training and supervision are completed in accordance with HSE guidance and UK legislative regulations. To avoid poor labour standards within its supply chain and the adverse publicity that would inevitably and rightly accompany the discovery of such standards, Lawcris will not knowingly engage in business with those that are known to illegally employ directly or indirectly through subsidiaries or other sources child or forced child labour and where they do so legally have been found to not honour the local rights of children working for them.

3. Reduced quality of service – the company recognises that there is commonly a link between poor labour standards and poor quality of services. To this end, it is in the interest of the company to ensure that we reach and where possible exceed labour standard requirements at all times.

Implementation of the policy

a) Child labour- Lawcris does not and will not engage in or support the use of child labour. If the company engages any young workers (e.g. on work experience), it will ensure that a suitable risk assessment is carried out and that the young person(s) is/are not exposed to any hazardous conditions, or work more than the legally permitted hrs per day, Lawcris will not engage young workers during evening or night shifts. The company respects and supports children’s rights consistent with the United Nations Convention on Right of the Child and all relevant associated local rights in terms of work. 

b) Forced or compulsory labour – the company shall not engage in or support the use of forced or compulsory labour, or bonded or involuntary prison labour. Employees are free to leave after providing reasonable notice in line with their individual contracts of employment.

c) Health and Safety – the company shall provide a safe and healthy workplace environment and shall take effective steps to prevent potential accidents and injuries to employee’s and those that are affected by its business by minimising so far as practicable and/or is reasonably practicable, in co-operation with its employees and where practicable those affected by its business - hazards that arise out of that business. Employees shall have access to clean sanitary facilities and drinking water, as per the HASAW 1974 act.

d) The company will ensure the age of all its employees by checking original documentation in accordance with UK employment law and will store that information in accordance UK data protection regulations.

The company also commits to:

I. Compliance with relevant legal and other requirements to which it subscribes.

II. Ensuring that all key contractors, sub –contractors and suppliers are aware of this policy by placing it in the public domain on the company website.

III. Making available sufficient resources for the implementation of this policy.

IV. The company will periodically review this policy and take into consideration any relevant regulatory changes.

Child Labour Policy PDF.