Why is this APP soooooo good?!

Customer feedback about the EGGER app has been astonishing. As we talk to our customers more and more, we realise that it is just so easy to use! Let's break this down for you, but first, a handy video because, well, why not!

The one thing that customers find truly easy to use is the visualiser tool which is built into the app.

There are lots of different roomsets to choose from. The detail is incredible. They also launched their virtual samples, see below how this works. 

EGGER really have stepped it up with their virtual sampling. The clever ability to zoom in on decors and spin them around to see what the textures are like is a great help when choosing a design.

Please note that if you need any digital support with roomset or decor imagery, datasheets or product information for your website, please don't hesitate to contact us. We believe we are better when we work together.

Be inspired with the latest decor designs and check out what else has been going on in the Lawcris news.

Lawcris stock all 259 decors from EGGER's 2020 UK range on next day delivery.