Never mind about Halloween and all the spooks and scares, Mexico's Day of the Dead is its much happier relative.

Even though this is nothing to do with Lawcris we couldn't leave the story alone, we just love colour and celebrations!

Halloween has a bit of a bad rep with its horror vibe and since the Day of the Dead is a chance to celebrate life, we know which one we prefer.

Makeup and headdress of festival goer in California. (

Decorations of flowers, candied skulls, makeup and costumes look brilliant and we think its better than putting a bed sheet over your head and muttering "Oooooooh".

Everyone gets involved with the events and James Bond even made a visit in Spectre, although it wasn't 100% successful. There are so many amazing colours and decorations its CRAZY!!

Day of the dead dancers.(

Flamboyant outfits and parties give the celebration a bit less of a macabre feel than its Halloween cousin. A huge array of colours are used but just a few have some meaning behind them.

Yellow = The Sun, White = Purity, Red = Blood of life, Purple = Mourning and Pink = Happiness.

If you fancy a touch of Mexican colour then we've got lots to choose from. Have a look at other news worthy stories we have here...

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