It's an exciting time at Lawcris Panel Products with our recent achievement of ISO14001 certification, a significant milestone that underscores our commitment to environmental responsibility. This certification is a badge of honour, reflecting our dedication to sustainable practices. However, it also raises a crucial question: How can we ensure their partners adhere to these same high standards?


Lauren Barker, Marketing Manager at Lawcris, was thrilled to be invited up to Kielder Forest by Egger, a supplier renowned for their sustainable forestry practices, to see their operations firsthand. With trowel and wellies packed, she was on her way...
Lauren explains, "Into the woods I went! Experiencing something firsthand makes it unforgettable. It's not until you witness it yourself that you truly grasp the importance of each stage. For Egger, this commitment to sustainability begins with the very first step: the harvesting of wood.
I met with the lovely Ben Drake, Egger's Area Harvesting Manager, who explained that Egger harvests over 400,000 tons of standing timber annually—an impressive feat equivalent to the weight of nearly 40 Eiffel Towers! (Yes, I needed a reference!) This timber is sourced from within a 150-kilometer radius of the plant, significantly reducing CO2 emissions.
Ben guided me through various sections of the forest, each at different stages of growth. There were areas ready for harvest, newly planted sections, and stages in between. This cyclical approach ensures a constant supply of wood and maintains a thriving ecosystem.
As we ventured further into the forest, the sounds of machinery grew louder. My eyes widened with wonder as I saw the forestry excavators in action. These heavy-duty logging machines, with their long articulating arms, moved with a grace that seemed almost sentient. One machine swung its arm towards a tree, grasped it firmly, sawed it at the base, stripped it of its branches, and sliced it into precise lengths. The machines seemed to perform a captivating dance, blending efficiency and rhythm into each sweeping motion.
The harvested logs serve not only Egger but also local sawmills. The sawmills require straight logs with minimal knots, a certain diameter and specific species. They have to be meticulously graded for them to meet diverse needs. Egger on the other hand can use trees of any diameter and species.
After the logs are sent to sawmills, Egger buy back the saw dust and the chips from these sawmills (that would normally go to waste), integrating them into their chipboard core. This process exemplifies a no-waste philosophy, ensuring that every part of the wood is utilised efficiently.
Companies like Egger use recycled content in their chipboard core for several reasons, not solely due to a shortage of trees. Incorporating recycled materials reduces the demand for virgin wood, thereby conserving natural resources and promoting sustainability. It also minimises waste by reusing materials that would otherwise end up in landfills. This is all part of Egger's closed-loop system. This innovative approach integrates sustainability into every step of their production process and attracts companies like us, Lawcris, to partner with them.
Egger also has another part to their closed loop system called Egger Timberpak, which happens to be on the same industrial estate in Leeds as our warehouse. We were invited (take a look) to take a look at their operation. Timberpak recycle post-consumer material by sorting it prior to it going up to Egger, Hexham. This post consumer material then gets processed, removing metal, plastic and other materials. It is mixed with the saw dust and chips from sawmills and with responsibly harvested trees. This system minimises waste, ensuring that every part of the wood is used efficiently.
I left Hexham with a renewed sense of pride and responsibility. The partnership between Lawcris and Egger is built on a shared commitment to environmental practises. With both Egger and Lawcris receiving ISO14001 certification, we are dedicated to maintaining high standards of environmental management. Egger ensures that our materials are sourced and processed sustainably, aligning perfectly with our values. They are ensuring that the forests we rely on today will continue to thrive for generations to come. Our partnership promises a greener, more sustainable future, demonstrating that with the right practices, we can meet the demand for wood without compromising the environment."
Good news is pouring in here at Lawcris! Not only have we achieved our ISO14001 certification, but we're also thrilled to announce that we've been shortlisted for Panel Trader of the Year!