We don't often get to see our products in action. As distributors supplying a huge variety of industries, from KBB to construction, our products end up all over the country and we are always chuffed when someone sends us some snaps of our boards in use.

So we were over the moon when we received these pics from one of our customers, showcasing the versatility and beauty of plywood boards.

The piece was commissioned for the fantastic Leeds International Festival which took over our South Bank area earlier this month. 

Launched in 2017, LIF brings together speakers, performers and free-thinkers from around the globe to discuss the world of today and tomorrow, shining a light on the creative spirit of Leeds.

This particular creation was on display as part of the Uprise event for new and future creative talents.

We love this beautiful modular plywood creation, on display for a month at the Festival. 

Got some handiwork to share with us? Send us your pics at marketing@lawcris.co.uk!