Sit yourself down somewhere comfy and grab the popcorn, because we have got a TREAT for you. Drumroll please....

We are pretty excited to announce we are releasing four BRAND NEW feature films that are generating quite a bit of Oscar's buzz.

Okay, okay, they're not feature films, and it's possible we might have made up the bit about the Oscars buzz, but you knew that already, didn't you?

All jokes aside (editor's note: we didn't agree to that!) we are pleased to tell you that our brand new services videos are now up and running.

Check them out for yourself below.

The Mighty Mighty Mulitborer ★★★★★

The star of the show, our multi-borer SHINES in this epic action biopic. Drilling, routing, grooving - this film has it all.

The Cutting ★★★★★

Critics have called it the horror story for wood-based panel enthusiasts, but don't worry, our beam saws will be gentle...

The Edging Part 1 ★★★★★

In the gripping first instalment of the tale of a roll of edging, our edge-slitter delivers a powerful performance. Definitely a best-actor nominee right here.

The Edging Part 2 ★★★★★

The second film of this thrilling two-parter sees our edging make an emotional breakthrough and finally do some bonding. Tissues at the ready.

Filming, production and editing by the fabulous Lucy Gerrard.