Our charity partner, St. Gemma's Hospice will be benefitting from our fundraising once again this year.

After last years' Tough Mudder we wanted to do something similar in 2019. We were searching for something that we could do similar to Tough Mudder and we found the Rat Race, Survival of the Fittest. This is a course that we will have to get over, under, through and on top of to get to the finish line.

There will be an array of obstacles in our way and you can read more about this Summer fundraiser on our Rat Race news story.

We will also be taking part in the St. Gemma's Spring raffle. We have been given some raffle tickets to sell in the office and all the prizes look brilliant but the main one is a brand new car! If you fancy a go then you can visit your local St. Gemma's Hospice charity shop to get your own tickets. Take a look at the St. Gemma's website for more information on how you could win.

The third event that we will be fundraising for St. Gemma's this year is the Three Peaks challenge.

Our man Hugo, who works in the Panel Depot is taking on this challenge when the 22nd of June. The aim for him is to get it done in under 12 hours and to raise as much money as possible. He has a bit of a trek ahead of him and I hope he's dusted off his hiking boots. He will be trekking a total of 24 miles and getting up to a maximum height of 2,415 feet.

You can find out more about our corporate responsibility and you can also keep up to date via our other news stories.