Lawcris has plenty of neighbours on Cross Green Industrial Estate and we've selected some of the best to share with you.

1. Carbon8

Carbon8 hard at work on site (Source)

Just over the road we have Carbon 8 who make aggregate, which may sound boring to some of you but bare with us. Their C8Aggregate is the worlds first carbon negative aggregate.

Being carbon negative means that more CO2 is permanently captured during the process than is used in its manufacture. Every 1000 tonnes of Carbon 8 aggregate captures the same amount of CO2 as planting 4000 trees does, pretty impressive right?

2. HESCO Bastion

Another interesting one is Hesco Bastion, who you may have seen a few years ago sponsoring the East Stand of Leeds United's Elland Road.

This is their home town base where they produce barriers for floods and natural disasters along with protection for armed forces and law enforcement. Their site is as brilliant as their products with a fighter jet peeking over the top.

3. Veolia RERF

Veolia RERF site (Source)

The Recycling and Energy Recovery Facility is a fairly new addition to the Leeds skyline. The work at these facilities in Leeds equates to the same as taking 29,000 cars off the road, just from recycling and recovering energy from waste. Pretty clever int' it?!

Along with their impressive environmentally friendly abilities, they have the largest timber arch of its kind in Europe as part of their building.

4. Timberpak

Timberpak delivery (Source)

Egger are one of our main suppliers and they have a TimberPak site not too far from ours. They aid the closed-loop manufacture that Egger practices so there is minimal waste in the processing of their timber.

Taking away waste wood and other timber that can be put back into the production process is a brilliant way to save on raw materials and other resources used to make the boards.

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