We are super proud of everyone that took part in our Wear its festive day in aid of St. Gemma's Hospice, which are our chosen charity partner.

We got a few of the gang together for a festive snap. Look how Christmassy they look by the tree!

In total for the day, we managed to raise £68.80. Combined with our raffle ticket sales, we handed over just short of £200 to St Gemma's. 

We are already planning our fundraising projects for next year so stay tuned!

The only thing missing from this year's Wear it Festive day was our lively reindeer but here they are from 2017 just for your benefit.

If you want to find out more about St. Gemma's Hospice and the amazing work they do then have a look here.

Check out our other news stories here and our corporate responsibility page here.