Our brand new website called the LookBook has been shortlisted for website of the year at the TTJ 2018 awards! We are really excited about this as a lot of time and effort went into the building of the website.

The website is designed so that the user can create personalised collections that inspire their own projects and ideas. The images can then be saved to the user profile so they can revisit them and continue to be inspired. We can't wait to see if we have won or not and hope you will all wish us luck!

Back in 2016 when we won the TTJ award for website of the year

The event will take place on 21st September this year with a large array of businesses attending with the hope of being awarded one of the many coveted awards that are up for grabs.

Lawcris are also shortlisted for 2018 Panel Trader of the year as well as the Website of the year award. Being shortlisted for two awards is an amazing achievement and everyone here is excited to see the outcome.

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