Another year of fun has been and gone for the St. Gemma's Winter Ball.

Drinks were flowing with the band and DJ helping us dance the night away. The Lawcris team had a win among us as someone from our operations team got 2nd place in the Heads and Tails game, to win a bottle of bubbly.

A rather large bottle of bubbly on offer in the auction.

The biggest winners of the evening were St. Gemma's Hospice as the silent auction managed to raise a huge £67,000 figure from the evening!!

Drinking Vodka from an ice sculpture with our name carved into it was also pretty cool along with the brilliant auction taking place with bids flying in from all directions.

Thank you tothe amazing people who made it happen from the Leeds United Centenary Pavilion staff to the St. Gemma's Hospice representatives.

If you want to see more of our company's corporate responsibility then take look. We also have some more brilliant up to date news stories here.